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Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week 31 - Where's Admiral Ackbar When You Need Him?

To Stickman's amazement, a second strange object came crashing down on the DoubleReedBandits.  Even more astonishing was the fact that the two objects seemed to instantly fuse together, and then began levitating off the ground!  What just happened?!?  Is that some sort of beast, or a machine?  Were the DoubleReedBandits crushed, or are they okay?  Is Stickman going to be left to fend for himself???

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 30, Part 2 - Tramampoline?

Sooner exclaims that the odd blue thing is like nothing he has ever felt before, and he implores the others to join him on it.  Obee complies and jumps on.  Stickman moves closer, but is hesitant to set foot on this strange surface.  What is the purpose of this bizarre object???

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week 30, Part 1 - Deep Blue ... Something

A nervous Stickman continues on with the DoubleReedBandits through the strange bubbly land.  Their time here has not been pleasant, and Stickman hopes they will be out of this place soon.  The trio comes across an odd blue formation on the ground.  Obee moves in for a closer look while an impetuous Sooner hops right on.  What is that thing?!?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Week 29 - The Fatal Mugging

Stickman frantically pulls the object off of Indigo, but it's too late.  Indigo is no more.  The DoubleReedBandits pick up the swords and urge Stickman to keep moving. Stickman is torn.  For sure the DoubleReedBandits saved his life, but he is shaken from the outcome.  It's a good thing that the DoubleReedBandits are on his side - but what if they change their minds down the road?!?