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Saturday, May 8, 2010

Week 17 - Quantum Le.. err ... Nano Jump #1

Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, SnowBot led an elite group of scientists to develop a top-secret project known as Quantum Le.. err... Nano Jump.  Fearing for his life, Stickman prematurely stepped into the project accelerator, pressed the panic button, and vanished.

 He awoke to find himself trapped in the past, suffering from partial amnesia, and facing a mirror image that was not his own.  His only guide on this journey is CalendarDog, who appears in the form of a hologram that only Stickman can see and hear.  And so, Stickman finds himself jumping from life to life, hoping each time that his next jump, will be the jump home.

Oh Boy...

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