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Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 23 - The DoubleReedBandits!

While making their way through the desert, Stickman and DesertSpider were ambushed by Obee and Sooner - the infamous DoubleReedBandits!  Being well aware of the reputation of these two outlaws, Stickman knew he was in grave danger, and he could tell by their intonation that they meant business...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Week 22 - The Malachite ArachniTaxi

Fearing the worst, Stickman was shocked (and slightly confused) to find out that not only did DesertSpider know who Stickman was, but he also knew all about the mission to reclaim TheCube, and was willing to help!  Knowing that he would never make it out of the desert alive on his own anyway, Stickman was happy to climb aboard, and the two of them headed off together to find the path back to SnowBot's lair.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 21, Part 2 - Home Sweet Home?

After coming to the conclusion that he must have, in fact, nano jumped back into his own body and into his own time, Stickman knew that he had to pick himself up and continue on his quest for TheCube, but suddenly he had a sinking feeling that he was not alone...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Week 21, Part 1 - But it's a DRY heat

After successfully immigrating to the Unites States via Ellis Island, Stickman jumped through time once more.  He awoke in the desert with a headache.  Something seems different about this jump.  The hologram of CalendarDog is nowhere to be found.  Could it be?  Has Stickman jumped back to his own time???