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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 21, Part 2 - Home Sweet Home?

After coming to the conclusion that he must have, in fact, nano jumped back into his own body and into his own time, Stickman knew that he had to pick himself up and continue on his quest for TheCube, but suddenly he had a sinking feeling that he was not alone...

1 comment:

  1. Ahhh, TheCube, that's what this whole quest was originally about, now I remember. Funny how we get distracted by the urgent and forget the important sometimes, isn't it?

    (My hopes are that Green-Spider-Guy will forge a new bosom-buddy bond with StickMan, thus helping to heal the hole left by the loss of CalendarDog. Heal, but not fill, don't worry CalendarDog, you're always #1.)
