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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 7 - The FZP

As Stickman sat down to rest, it became abundantly clear that he DID have something to worry about.  It turns out that "The Haunted Woods" is a misnomer because it's actually more of a haunted jungle!  It is most definitely haunted.  Big time haunted.  FlyingZombiePiranha removed any doubt about the haunted-ness of the jungle when he descended upon Stickman and took him by surprise.  What will become of Stickman?!?  Does his quest end here in "The Haunted Woods"???

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 6 - Into The Woods

After regrouping physically from the daring escape, and mentally after witnessing the brutality on the battlefield, CalendarDog and Stickman began their long and arduous quest to find the lair of SnowBot and recover the mysterious object, which we now know to be called TheCube.  Legend has it that TheCube has "The Power To Change" ... whatever that means.  Their quest begins with a trek straight through The Haunted Woods.  Not to worry though, we're told that "The Haunted Woods" is a bit of a misnomer...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week 5 - Surveying The Damage

Thanks to the heroics of CalendarDog, Stickman managed to narrowly escape with his life, and he pair made it to higher ground and found sanctuary in the forest.  Climbing to great heights, Stickman surveyed the battlefield below.  It appeared to be a total loss for both sides, as the armies of the GreenMen and the BeigeMen now lay in ruin.  But wait ... is that ... the mysterious object from before?  It appears different somehow, and it is now in the possesion of SnowBot.  Is this a good thing or a bad thing?  Upon closer inspection, something seems different about SnowBot too...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 4 - The Daring Escape

As the battle between the Greenmen and the Beigemen raged on, reinforcements arrived for both sides.  Violence escalating, both sides were suffering considerable losses, and things were looking bleak for Stickman.  Suddenly CalendarDog raced onto the scene to rescue Stickman in a daring escape attempt!  Will they make it out alive?  What is so important that these men would risk their lives?  What secrets lie in the markings of CalendarDog?

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Week 3 - The Tables Are Turned

As Stickman was being held captive by the Greenmen, the forces of the Beigemen suddenly appeared out of nowhere and ambushed them.  Easily outnumbering and surrounding the Greenmen, it appeared that the Beigemen would defeat them and successfully liberate Stickman.  But is that what they have in mind?  Perhaps they too are looking to enslave Stickman and steal his mysterious object?  Or will they instead lead him to his destiny?  Fearing that things may turn violent at any moment and that we could be spotted, we were forced to retreat further away before we could find the answers to these questions.

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Week 2 - Things Get Serious

Our second encounter with Stickman is what alerted us to the fact that there is more going on with him than meets the eye.  Stickman finds himself at gunpoint - but WHY?  Who IS Stickman?  Does this have to do with that strange object he was transporting?  What WAS that thing?

Week 1 - The Saga Begins

In our first encounter with Stickman, we see him carrying a large, mysterious object in his arms.  What is this object?  What do the markings on it represent?  Why does Stickman have it, and where is he taking it?  We can only hope to uncover the answers to these questions and learn more about Stickman during our future encounters with him.