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Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 4 - The Daring Escape

As the battle between the Greenmen and the Beigemen raged on, reinforcements arrived for both sides.  Violence escalating, both sides were suffering considerable losses, and things were looking bleak for Stickman.  Suddenly CalendarDog raced onto the scene to rescue Stickman in a daring escape attempt!  Will they make it out alive?  What is so important that these men would risk their lives?  What secrets lie in the markings of CalendarDog?


  1. Oh CalendarDog, you are my hero. I would love to hear more about you and what your numeric symbolism foretells.

  2. CalendarDog: "The secrets of the Mayans must never be discovered!!"

  3. yeah....Calendardog....once again he saves the day......

  4. Seriously, what is the deal with the goal post?

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