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Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 7 - The FZP

As Stickman sat down to rest, it became abundantly clear that he DID have something to worry about.  It turns out that "The Haunted Woods" is a misnomer because it's actually more of a haunted jungle!  It is most definitely haunted.  Big time haunted.  FlyingZombiePiranha removed any doubt about the haunted-ness of the jungle when he descended upon Stickman and took him by surprise.  What will become of Stickman?!?  Does his quest end here in "The Haunted Woods"???


  1. If only Stickman would have observed the cleanly picked bones of the skeletons who ushered him into The Haunted Woods! Who else but FlyingZombiePiranah could do such a thorough and ghastly job?

  2. Wow, as if a normal pirahna weren't bad enough! It's flying, so it's not limited to a river (or Brazil for that matter :) ), AND it's a zombie? Man, that's why I like snow. Kills all the FlyingZombiePirahnas.

  3. If only Stickman had The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks maybe he could get some information to fight off that nasty...FlyingZombiePiranah..

  4. I don't understand. How can you tell if a piranah is a zombie? Don't regular piranah have the same behaviors as zombies? And is Stickman dead? How to you recover from a piranah eating your head? I was getting sorta bored with Stickman but this is getting exciting.

  5. This is why I've never liked fish...
