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Saturday, March 6, 2010

Week 8 - Not "Out Of The Woods" Just Yet


Just before FlyingZombiePiranha was able to fully clamp his teeth around Stickman, the brave and heroic CalendarDog once again intervened to save the day.  Leaping into action, he appears to have FlyingZombiePiranha subdued.  In the midst of the shock of the surprise attack, Stickman was knocked aside and was obviously disoriented.  He sure seems to be staggering around awefully close to the edge of that cliff...


  1. This is a classic example of the age-old question: "Which is more dangerous, a FlyingZombiePiranha or gravity?"

    And once again, CalendarDog (with his cryptic and-one might venture to guess-meaningful numbers) steps forward to save the is almost as if CalendarDog has some prior knowledge of the danger that StickMan will face. Prophetic or Sinister?

  2. What does CalendarDog have to gain from his heroics? Is there more to his relationship with Stickman than we know? Why else would he be following our protagonist, always jumping in at just the right moment? There are strange forces at work here... strange forces indeed!

  3. This is why I love dogs... Good 'ole Calendar Dog! Give that pup a treat!! I'm certain his intentions are pure and loyalty is his only motive...
