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Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week 10 - The Taming of the DragonFish

 Unable to hold himself up any longer, Stickman plunged into the water.  Amazingly, he was not instantly eaten by the sea monster.  When he resurfaced, he realized that this was due to the intervention of RedFred.  RedFred explained that the sea monster, DragonFish, is a creature that is highly suggestible, and that he is one who has the gift of being able to influence the beast.  Perhaps RedFred will be a powerful ally in helping Stickman on his quest to reclaim TheCube from SnowBot?


  1. Only RedFred is able to influence the beast?! Unlikely...

  2. The real question is this: is RedFred or DragonFish the real enemy here. Heaven forbid if RedFred were to turn his powers of persuasion on StickMan or CalendarDog. This is getting quite complicated...if only there was a way to keep track of all of these characters and all of these conjectures.
