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Saturday, March 27, 2010

Week 11, Part 1 - Safe and Sound?

Benefiting once again from impeccable timing and other worldly luck, Stickman musters his remaining strength to climb aboard DragonFish with RedFred.  As they are riding towards the shore, they see CalendarDog on the cliff high above.  He has apparently come through unscathed from his battle with FlyingZombiePiranha.  They signal each other to meet up a little further down river, though CalendarDog seems mighty apprehensive about the whole situation...


  1. Is RedFred made of lava???

  2. Does the camera angle suggest that we are to sympathize strongly with CalendarDog, are we to take his point of view? Is his apprehension founded on truth or jealousy?

    Michael, lava? Really...that's the best you could do? Are you made of lava?

    CalendarDog is seriously the toughest, baddest dog around. DragonFish, you are going down--weirdy.

  3. Excuse me?! Really, Patty? Is that how it's going to be? Apparently the Iowa Public School System failed a few people down the road... Everything red is made of lava. It's like Newton 4th Law of Motion, something...

  4. Calendar dog, loyal pup... I love him...! Fought off the evil Piranah fish (no fish is a good fish) just for his buddy.
