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Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Week 9, Part 2 - The Dangling Participle

 Slipping further and further down the vine with each passing moment, things were not looking good.
Does Stickman have any strength left?
Body thrashing and teeth gnashing, the water was no longer a very inviting option.
Does Stickman have any other options?
Hoping beyond reason that somehow CalendarDog could make another impossible rescue, reality was beginning to set in.
Who can save Stickman now?!?


  1. I'm not sure what StickMan is worried about...that super scary fish may look ugly, but is it really interested in trying to finish off what the FZP couldn't even take a bite out of? Who eats plastic anyways? Gross.

  2. CalendarDog will save the day....but will CalendarDog survive saving stickman that is the Epic question? or i bet herbie hawkeye swoops out of the sky haha
