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Saturday, April 3, 2010

Week 12 - Reflections Of A Strange Land

RedFred leads the group to what is supposedly the lair of SnowBot.  As they climb out of the water, DragonFish must remain behind.  What is this strange, shiny land that they've just entered?  Is this really SnowBot's hideout?  Is Stickman finally going to be reunited with TheCube???


  1. I'm so strangely attracted to my own image... What is this shiney object that makes me look at myself for so long. Hmmmm.... I look good and so do all of my oppinions... reminds me of April fools day 2010...

  2. Oooooo, SnowBot's Fortress of Solitude! Does this mean that SnowBot is like Super Man? X-ray vision, super strength and a secret identity? Hey wait a minute...we've never seen RedFred and SnowBot in the same place at the same time...coincidence? (Probably)

    DragonFish is a wussy-pants, as if a little air could stop a true friend!
