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Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 13, Part 2 - The Lord of the Ring

With astonishing speed, Stickman is able to successfully liberate the ring from the rest of the metal structure, thus solving his puzzle first!  A very bewildered SumoMan begins to cry foul, claiming that his puzzle was much more difficult to solve than Stickman's puzzle was.  SnowBot is noticeably upset, as his plan seems to have been foiled...


  1. Foiled again due to the need to constantly "reflect" on yourself, eh SumoMan?

  2. I would cry foul as well, I mean honestly, this guy has no apparent fingers, let alone thumbs! And is StickMan taunting SumoMan in this shot, pointing and laughing at him? No wonder SnowBot is so obviously and visibly upset!

    PS Evey still claims that SumoMan is a "baby" maybe StickMan has it right after all..."You big baby!"

  3. (What was meant by the fingers comment above is that without fingers and thumbs one would find it hard to believe that StickMan could possibly solve a puzzle such as the one displayed in the scene.)

  4. Perhaps Sumo should join the forces of stickman and quit all the whining....face it Sumo man you got your big butt served to you.....
