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Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 14, Part 2 - Nooooooooo!

The entirety of the equine belonging to the monarch, as well as every last human male in the employ of said autocrat, were unable to successfully restore CalendarDog to his previous state of being once more.
Godspeed, CalendarDog.
May he rest in pieces.


  1. Where's the yolk?

  2. Are you implying that the saga taking place in mysterious (and apparently messy) office 219 is a microcosm of the meaning of life? A rather grim correlation between the meaning of life (and everything) and a scene that seems like it could also be titled, "Poop Happens", don't you think? Is the childlike glee and hope gone from The Epic Saga of StickMan forever or are we just getting to the "epic" part of the journey?

  3. 42 - the universe and everything...
    PS glee is where you find it.
