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Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week 13, Part 1 - SnowBot's Fortress of Shinytude

It appears that RedFred came through on his promise to lead the group to the lair of SnowBot.  As they approached what looked like an entrance to a very large fortress, they were greeted by the voice of SnowBot, which said, "If you wish to enter, you must first defeat my sumo ... at a puzzle competition!"  There were two large metal structures, one on either side of the entrance.  These must be the puzzles that SnowBot spoke of.  RedFred trembled in fear, as it is a well known fact that sumos are excellent puzzle solvers.  It looks like it is up to Stickman - does he have what it takes to solve the puzzle???


  1. Why is there a 2nd RedFred hiding behind the sumo??? What is this trickery???

  2. Wow I did not realize Sumo's were puzzle learn something new everyday....go sumo go....
