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Saturday, December 11, 2010

Week 39 - Super Mario Brother From Another Mother?

After what seemed like several weeks, Stickman and The OctoBulb finally emerged from the other end of the strange green structure.  The world that they entered was fairly run-of-the-mill.  There was a walking mushroom, a springy little man, floating bricks, and magic boxes marked with question marks.  Nothing out of the ordinary, really.  But where does this path lead?  Does The OctoBulb know the way?  Is this some sort of shortcut to another world, or is this their final destination???

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Week 38 - Going Down?

Stickman entered the green structure at the top, and began to sink down into it until he had completely disappeared!  The OctoBulb followed him in, and likewise disappeared.  Surely there is not enough room in there for both of them ... is this some sort of strange portal???  Or a shrinking machine???

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Week 37 - Pipe Dreams?

The OctoBulb continued to force Stickman to march forward with the odd tentacle object on his head.  They forged ahead towards a strange green structure, which seemed to be the only thing visible in this barren wasteland.  What could it be?  And wait a minute, where did the strange flying object(s) go???

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Week 36 - Head Games

After setting down on this corrugated land, Stickman is led on with his hands behind his back and some unknown object on his head!  The object appears to have many tentacles burgeoning out of it, but what is it?  Is it organic?  Some sort of living creature?  Perhaps a machine that can read his thoughts?

Monday, October 18, 2010

Week 35 - The Land of Bland

The crew was able to successfully navigate the treacherous territory of the balloons without incident, and came in for a landing in a new province.  This new land was very plain, which was in stark contrast to the previous one, and while the many dangers of the treacherous territory of balloons were well known, this new land was entirely unknown, which was all the more terrifying.  Why has the OctoBulb and the strange floating object(s) taken Stickman and the DoubleReedBandits here, and what awaits the group next???

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Week 34 - A Colorful Surprise

The OctoBulb and the strange floating object(s) continued to carry Stickman and the DoubleReedBandits through the air.  Amazingly, they chose to fly right through the center of the treacherous territory of the balloons, even though one false move here could burst their plans.

Monday, September 27, 2010

Week 33 - Getting Carried Away

Before Stickman even realized what was happening, he found himself being lifted off of the ground by the OctoBulb.  The strange floating object(s) that had enveloped the DoubleReedBandits began to fly away, and the OctoBulb followed closely behind with Stickman.  They were obviously working together, but where were they headed?  And who do they work for?!?

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Week 32 - Octadic Limbed Aberrations!

Stickman continued to ponder what he was witnessing, and what had become of The DoubleReedBandits.  
He was so mesmerized by the strange floating object(s) that he didn't even notice the OctoBulb descending upon him...

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Week 31 - Where's Admiral Ackbar When You Need Him?

To Stickman's amazement, a second strange object came crashing down on the DoubleReedBandits.  Even more astonishing was the fact that the two objects seemed to instantly fuse together, and then began levitating off the ground!  What just happened?!?  Is that some sort of beast, or a machine?  Were the DoubleReedBandits crushed, or are they okay?  Is Stickman going to be left to fend for himself???

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Week 30, Part 2 - Tramampoline?

Sooner exclaims that the odd blue thing is like nothing he has ever felt before, and he implores the others to join him on it.  Obee complies and jumps on.  Stickman moves closer, but is hesitant to set foot on this strange surface.  What is the purpose of this bizarre object???

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Week 30, Part 1 - Deep Blue ... Something

A nervous Stickman continues on with the DoubleReedBandits through the strange bubbly land.  Their time here has not been pleasant, and Stickman hopes they will be out of this place soon.  The trio comes across an odd blue formation on the ground.  Obee moves in for a closer look while an impetuous Sooner hops right on.  What is that thing?!?

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Week 29 - The Fatal Mugging

Stickman frantically pulls the object off of Indigo, but it's too late.  Indigo is no more.  The DoubleReedBandits pick up the swords and urge Stickman to keep moving. Stickman is torn.  For sure the DoubleReedBandits saved his life, but he is shaken from the outcome.  It's a good thing that the DoubleReedBandits are on his side - but what if they change their minds down the road?!?

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Week 28 - A Crushing Defeat

A confused Stickman pleads with Indigo, explaining that there must be some sort of misunderstanding because he doesn't even know who Indigo's father is.  Although Indigo does looks oddly familiar ... but of course!  His father must be none other than RedF--- suddenly, the DoubleReedBandits returned and delivered a fatal blow by hurling a large weapon of messy destruction on the unsuspecting Indigo.  Their cup runneth him over.

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Week 27 - Deserted!

As Stickman stands frozen, wondering why the man appears so angry, the swordsman throws one of his swords at the feet of Stickman and says in a bad Spanish accent, "Hello, my name is Indigo Stantoya.  You are indirectly responsible for the death of my father.  Prepare to die."
Stickman turns to look for help from the DoubleReedBandits and ... they're gone!   They've run away and left him all alone with Indigo!!!

Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 26 - The Angry Swordsman

The trio continued on the path through the bubbly land, and were startled by the appearance of a swordsman.  Although he seemed oddly familiar, none of them had ever met the swordsman before.  Where did he come from?  Was he following the trio, or did their paths just randomly intersect here?  One thing is for sure, he definitely looks intense ... and angry!  Good thing that the DoubleReedBandits are around to protect Stickman!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

Week 25 - That's A Wrap

DesertSpider continued to lead the quartet on their path back to Snowbot's lair, and they finally reached the end of the desert.  DesertSpider explained that this was the end of the line for him, and he could lead them no further, so the trio waved good bye and crossed over into the strange, shiny, bubbly land without him. What adventures await them in this odd place???

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Week 24 - A Formidable Quartet

Stickman was once again perplexed to learn that his reputation had preceded him.  Upon realizing who they were dealing with, The DoubleReedBandits immediately retracted their demands and pledged to assist Stickman and his mission!  But how could this be?  How could word of Stickman and his quest be so well known, even in such remote areas of the world?  And why is everyone so willing to help???

Monday, June 28, 2010

Week 23 - The DoubleReedBandits!

While making their way through the desert, Stickman and DesertSpider were ambushed by Obee and Sooner - the infamous DoubleReedBandits!  Being well aware of the reputation of these two outlaws, Stickman knew he was in grave danger, and he could tell by their intonation that they meant business...

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Week 22 - The Malachite ArachniTaxi

Fearing the worst, Stickman was shocked (and slightly confused) to find out that not only did DesertSpider know who Stickman was, but he also knew all about the mission to reclaim TheCube, and was willing to help!  Knowing that he would never make it out of the desert alive on his own anyway, Stickman was happy to climb aboard, and the two of them headed off together to find the path back to SnowBot's lair.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Week 21, Part 2 - Home Sweet Home?

After coming to the conclusion that he must have, in fact, nano jumped back into his own body and into his own time, Stickman knew that he had to pick himself up and continue on his quest for TheCube, but suddenly he had a sinking feeling that he was not alone...

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Week 21, Part 1 - But it's a DRY heat

After successfully immigrating to the Unites States via Ellis Island, Stickman jumped through time once more.  He awoke in the desert with a headache.  Something seems different about this jump.  The hologram of CalendarDog is nowhere to be found.  Could it be?  Has Stickman jumped back to his own time???

Saturday, May 29, 2010

Week 20 - Nano Jump #4 - Immigrant Song

After completing his mission with the 4225th infantry, Stickman once again found himself jumping through time.

Oh boy...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Week 19 - Nano Jump #3 - Don't Rock the Boat, Baby

After completing his mission with NASA, Stickman found himself jumping through time yet again.

Oh Boy...

Saturday, May 15, 2010

Week 18 - Nano Jump #2 - One Small Step

After kicking the game winning field goal as time expired to give the Iowa Hawkeyes a 39-38 victory in the 1986 Holiday Bowl, Stickman found himself jumping through time again.

Oh Boy...

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Week 17 - Quantum Le.. err ... Nano Jump #1

Theorizing that one could time travel within his own lifetime, SnowBot led an elite group of scientists to develop a top-secret project known as Quantum Le.. err... Nano Jump.  Fearing for his life, Stickman prematurely stepped into the project accelerator, pressed the panic button, and vanished.

 He awoke to find himself trapped in the past, suffering from partial amnesia, and facing a mirror image that was not his own.  His only guide on this journey is CalendarDog, who appears in the form of a hologram that only Stickman can see and hear.  And so, Stickman finds himself jumping from life to life, hoping each time that his next jump, will be the jump home.

Oh Boy...

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Week 16 - DON'T PANIC

With chaos surrounding him, Stickman sprints past SnowBot and enters the fortress.  TheCube doesn't appear to be anywhere in sight, but there is a small console with a large red button on it near a wall.  In the heat of the moment, Stickman rushes to the console and ... oh no ... he's not actually going to ...

Saturday, April 24, 2010

Week 15 - Gang Aft Agley

Still reeling from the atrocity that he just witnessed, Stickman staggers to his feet and turns to face the entrance to the fortress just in time to notice a large projectile hurtling toward him.  Thanks to his lightning quick reflexes, he manages to evade the projectile, though it finds a home in the chest of RedFred, who falls motionless to the ground.  How could things have gone so wrong?!?

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Week 14, Part 2 - Nooooooooo!

The entirety of the equine belonging to the monarch, as well as every last human male in the employ of said autocrat, were unable to successfully restore CalendarDog to his previous state of being once more.
Godspeed, CalendarDog.
May he rest in pieces.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Week 14, Part 1 - The Wrath of SumoMan

Enraged, SumoMan seems to defy the laws of physics by launching himself high up into the air, and executes his trademark SumoSplash move on an unsuspecting CalendarDog!  The resulting impact crushes CalendarDog, and a shocked Stickman can only look on in horror.  It appears that CalendarDog's days were numbered after all...

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Week 13, Part 3 - A Puzzling Predicament

In an effort to dispel SumoMan's claim that the puzzle competition was unjust, Stickman proceeds to astound everyone by immediately solving SumoMan's puzzle as well!   Having been beaten, and now embarrassed, SumoMan appears to take this action very personally, and looks absolutely irate.  Did Stickman just prove that he is worthy to enter SnowBot's Fortress of Shinytude, or has he gone too far this time???

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Week 13, Part 2 - The Lord of the Ring

With astonishing speed, Stickman is able to successfully liberate the ring from the rest of the metal structure, thus solving his puzzle first!  A very bewildered SumoMan begins to cry foul, claiming that his puzzle was much more difficult to solve than Stickman's puzzle was.  SnowBot is noticeably upset, as his plan seems to have been foiled...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Week 13, Part 1 - SnowBot's Fortress of Shinytude

It appears that RedFred came through on his promise to lead the group to the lair of SnowBot.  As they approached what looked like an entrance to a very large fortress, they were greeted by the voice of SnowBot, which said, "If you wish to enter, you must first defeat my sumo ... at a puzzle competition!"  There were two large metal structures, one on either side of the entrance.  These must be the puzzles that SnowBot spoke of.  RedFred trembled in fear, as it is a well known fact that sumos are excellent puzzle solvers.  It looks like it is up to Stickman - does he have what it takes to solve the puzzle???

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Week 12 - Reflections Of A Strange Land

RedFred leads the group to what is supposedly the lair of SnowBot.  As they climb out of the water, DragonFish must remain behind.  What is this strange, shiny land that they've just entered?  Is this really SnowBot's hideout?  Is Stickman finally going to be reunited with TheCube???

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Week 11, Part 2 - The CalendarDoggy Paddle

  As Stickman and RedFred continue down the river atop DragonFish, CalendarDog finds a safe place where he can jump from the cliff and join them in the water.  RedFred claims that he can lead them directly to SnowBot's lair via the river, but is he being truthful?  And if so, what is his ultimate objective in helping???  The tension between the foursome is so thick right now that it can be sensed a mile away...

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Week 11, Part 1 - Safe and Sound?

Benefiting once again from impeccable timing and other worldly luck, Stickman musters his remaining strength to climb aboard DragonFish with RedFred.  As they are riding towards the shore, they see CalendarDog on the cliff high above.  He has apparently come through unscathed from his battle with FlyingZombiePiranha.  They signal each other to meet up a little further down river, though CalendarDog seems mighty apprehensive about the whole situation...

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Week 10 - The Taming of the DragonFish

 Unable to hold himself up any longer, Stickman plunged into the water.  Amazingly, he was not instantly eaten by the sea monster.  When he resurfaced, he realized that this was due to the intervention of RedFred.  RedFred explained that the sea monster, DragonFish, is a creature that is highly suggestible, and that he is one who has the gift of being able to influence the beast.  Perhaps RedFred will be a powerful ally in helping Stickman on his quest to reclaim TheCube from SnowBot?

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Bonus #1 - Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Week 9, Part 2 - The Dangling Participle

 Slipping further and further down the vine with each passing moment, things were not looking good.
Does Stickman have any strength left?
Body thrashing and teeth gnashing, the water was no longer a very inviting option.
Does Stickman have any other options?
Hoping beyond reason that somehow CalendarDog could make another impossible rescue, reality was beginning to set in.
Who can save Stickman now?!?

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Week 9, Part 1 - Hanging By A Moment

Still reeling from the surprise attack of the FZP, Stickman tumbles over the edge of the cliff!  While falling through the air, he somehow manages to instinctively grab hold of one of the jungle vines and save himself from certain death.  It doesn't look like he can hold on for very long, let alone climb back up to the top of the cliff.  Perhaps he can slowly lower himself to safety in the waters below.  But wait, what is that lurking in the water ...

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Week 8 - Not "Out Of The Woods" Just Yet


Just before FlyingZombiePiranha was able to fully clamp his teeth around Stickman, the brave and heroic CalendarDog once again intervened to save the day.  Leaping into action, he appears to have FlyingZombiePiranha subdued.  In the midst of the shock of the surprise attack, Stickman was knocked aside and was obviously disoriented.  He sure seems to be staggering around awefully close to the edge of that cliff...

Saturday, February 27, 2010

Week 7 - The FZP

As Stickman sat down to rest, it became abundantly clear that he DID have something to worry about.  It turns out that "The Haunted Woods" is a misnomer because it's actually more of a haunted jungle!  It is most definitely haunted.  Big time haunted.  FlyingZombiePiranha removed any doubt about the haunted-ness of the jungle when he descended upon Stickman and took him by surprise.  What will become of Stickman?!?  Does his quest end here in "The Haunted Woods"???

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Week 6 - Into The Woods

After regrouping physically from the daring escape, and mentally after witnessing the brutality on the battlefield, CalendarDog and Stickman began their long and arduous quest to find the lair of SnowBot and recover the mysterious object, which we now know to be called TheCube.  Legend has it that TheCube has "The Power To Change" ... whatever that means.  Their quest begins with a trek straight through The Haunted Woods.  Not to worry though, we're told that "The Haunted Woods" is a bit of a misnomer...

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Week 5 - Surveying The Damage

Thanks to the heroics of CalendarDog, Stickman managed to narrowly escape with his life, and he pair made it to higher ground and found sanctuary in the forest.  Climbing to great heights, Stickman surveyed the battlefield below.  It appeared to be a total loss for both sides, as the armies of the GreenMen and the BeigeMen now lay in ruin.  But wait ... is that ... the mysterious object from before?  It appears different somehow, and it is now in the possesion of SnowBot.  Is this a good thing or a bad thing?  Upon closer inspection, something seems different about SnowBot too...

Monday, February 8, 2010

Week 4 - The Daring Escape

As the battle between the Greenmen and the Beigemen raged on, reinforcements arrived for both sides.  Violence escalating, both sides were suffering considerable losses, and things were looking bleak for Stickman.  Suddenly CalendarDog raced onto the scene to rescue Stickman in a daring escape attempt!  Will they make it out alive?  What is so important that these men would risk their lives?  What secrets lie in the markings of CalendarDog?